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Reviewing Completed Service Requests

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Step-by-Step instructions on how to review a service request (SR) completed by a Service Professional (SP)

There are a few things in a PM-role user should stay on top of on a daily basis. Reviewing completed SR’s is one of them. This stage or step in the SR-lifecycle is important for a couple of reasons: 

  1. It validates the work was completed and documented appropriately by the SP.
  2. It initiates a text/SMS notification to the resident (assuming a valid mobile phone number is present.
  3. It finalizes the SR and places it in the Archive.

On that note, here are some simple instruction and annotated screenshots on how to do it:

1. From your dashboard on the “Servus Requests” widget on the upper left side of the screen, click on the number just above “Complete“. 

You can also click on “Needs Review” from the “Action Items” widget, located in the middle-top of your screen.

2. The next screen will be a list view of all service requests that are in the “Complete” state. 

Click on the ellipsis action icon (three stacked circles) on the right side of the screen, then click “Quick Review“.

3. The Quick Review screen will open. This is a split-screen: the SR’s that need to be reviewed will be on the left, and the details of the selected SR on the right. 

Review the details and select the appropriate action: Review or Reopen

4a. If you selected Reopen, you’ll be taken back to the Service Request Detail page where you can ReAssign or add comments for your SP of why you reopened the SR.

4b. If you selected Review, a new window will open. 

If there is a valid phone number associated with the SR, you’ll be given a list of company-approved text/SMS notifications to send the resident. Select the appropriate notification and select Submit Review.

*Note – your available options for resident notifications may be different than the example shown.

If there is no phone number present, select the appropriate action (if any) and select Submit Review.

The SR will be archived and removed from the Quick Review list. Repeat until all SR’s have been reviewed! 

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